Registration for upcoming events

Winter Adult Formation



Week Date Time Topic
1 Thursday, March 6 6:30-8:30 PM Is There More to Life Than This?
2 Thursday, March 13 6:30-8:30 PM Who is Jesus?
3 Thursday, March 20 6:30-8:30 PM Why Did Jesus Die?
4 Thursday, March 27 6:30-8:30 PM How Can I Have Faith?
5 Thursday, April 3 6:30-8:30 PM Why Should I Read the Bible?
6 Thursday, April 10 6:30-8:30 PM Why Should I Pray?
7 Thursday, April 24 6:30-8:30 PM How Does God Guide?
Who is the Holy Spirit?
7 Saturday, April 26 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM What Does the Holy Spirit Do?
How Can I Be Filled with the Holy Spirit?
How Can I Make the Most of the Rest of My Life?
8 Thursday, May 1 6:30-8:30 PM How Can I Resist Evil?
Does God Heal?
9 Thursday, May 8 6:30-8:30 PM Does God Heal?
10 Thursday, May 15 6:30-8:30 PM What About the Church?
  Sunday, May 17   Alpha Presentation



This session is now complete. Be on the lookout for our second session later this year!


The Eucharistic Revival

  1. Reinvigorating our Liturgy

  2. Encountering Jesus Personally

  3. Spiritual Formation

  4. Send Missionaries

The Eucharistic Revival Movement is a three-year initiative created and led by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. The first year focused on preparing Dioceses. We are in the second year where parishes continue the work of the Eucharistic Revival which is ultimately a renewal in the Eucharist. 

St. Rita’s first initiative is to bring back adoration and prayer before the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. Every Friday, the Church is now open from 2pm - 430 pm for private prayer before Jesus in the Tabernacle. 

Our next step is for all parishioners to attend the seven-week Eucharistic Revival small group gatherings in January and February. The two-hour session is a combination of bible reflections, testimonies, and questions for reflections in your own faith journey.  



Catholic Christian Outreach

CCO faith studies help students learn more about their faith and how they can live it out. The material references Scripture verses from the Bible, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and other Christian writings. They also employ analogies, useful in sharing spiritual realities in common terms. The studies are intended to fuel discussion in a comfortable, small group setting. The five studies are called Discovery, Source, Growth, Obedience, and Commission.



Divine Renovation: Bring Your Parish from Maintenance to Mission by Fr. James Mallon

Based on the norms of today's secular world, Christendom no longer exists. We are in a new Jerusalem. Divine Renovation provides 10 building blocks, 10 steps to help parish culture shift from maintenance mode to mission. Fr. James Mallon's presentation at the 2017 Religious Education Congress in Los Angeles was the catalyst that set St. Rita’s on a path of renewal and discipleship. 


For more information, visit https://www.divinerenovation.org/

Forming Intentional Disciples by Sherry Weddell

Sherry Weddell has interviewed over 100,000 Catholic bishops, priests, and lay leaders. The interviews have provided clarity on the stages of conversion and evangelization for intentional discipleship. Fifty copies were given to members of the English and Spanish ministries and were invited to a parish book read in the summer of 2019. This book is being updated to include new statistics of the Church and Sherry's continuous field studies. The first chapter to be updated is "God Has No Grandchildren."  The new edition will be utilized for a future parish book read.


Unlocking Your Parish: Making Disciples, Raising up Leaders with Alpha 

by Ron Huntley & Fr. James Mallon

Alpha is a safe place for people to explore their faith and ask questions about life and God. This book shows how Alpha transforms culture as the Holy Spirit inspires disciples and leaders to take an active role in the Mission of the Church. Since September 2018, St. Rita’s Parish has provided the Alpha experience twice a year even taking it from in-person meetings to Zoom gatherings due to Covid. Alpha has been a fruitful experience opening the doors to new studies to equip the holy ones for ministry.



Rescued: The Unexpected and Extraordinary News of the Gospel by Fr. John Riccardo

Fr. John Riccardo, Executive Director of XXIX in Detroit, provides a 21st Century view of the Great Story, the Kerygma through a biblical lens that is so relatable as we face a more secular world. This book shows how Jesus rescues us each and every day to bring us back to God our creator. 

For more information, visit https://www.actsxxix.org/



RebuiltThe Story of a Catholic Parish 

by Fr. Michael White and Tom Corcoran

Nativity Parish in Timonium, MD is the basis of this book in how they brought their parish to be on a mission. The Rebuilt movement has opened its doors to St. Rita’s members in their efforts of Making disciples by helping parishes make disciples. With radical hospitality they have welcomed us into their small group sessions to help us in the major principles:

  • Growing wider by welcoming outsiders
  • Growing deeper by providing a clear discipleship path
  • Providing an evangelizing weekend experience 
  • Building a community of leaders

For more information, visit https://www.rebuiltparish.com/


Revive Parish

Revive Parish is a FREE online platform designed to help parish leaders learn, grow and renew their parishes. They provide fifteen courses and are master classes on topics such as parish renewal, evangelization, stewardship. The presenters are at the top of their ministry in the U.S. Catholic Church which includes Patrick Lencioni, Christ Stefanik, Katy Prejean McGrady, and Julianne Stanz. Their passion shines through the knowledge they share. Study guides are provided for each of the courses. Every course is great and if you're new and want to explore, start with Tim Glemkowski's course on Parish Renewal.

For more information, visit: https://reviveparishes.com/

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